Our Dance classes

Rue de la Digue 10, 1050 Bruxelles. (Maison de Quartier Malibran)

( room Cyan magenta – 2nd floor )


Salsa refers to both a musical genre and a dance with Cuban roots. This lively dance music is popularized around the world.

Session Salsa 2024 - 2025

☆ Tuesday ☆ (10/17/24 September 2024)
  • 20h00 : Salsa cubaine Intermediate
  • 21:00 : Salsa cubaine Int/ADV:
☆ Thurdsay ☆ (12/19/26 september 2024)
  • 19h00 : Salsa Beginner (NEW)


Bachata is a style of social dance from the Dominican Republic that is now danced all over the world.

Session Bachata 2024 - 2025

☆ Thursday ☆ (12/19/26 September 2024)
  • 20h00 : Bachata fusion/moderna Beginner ( NEW )
  • 21h00 : Bachata fusion/moderna intermediate ( NEW )

Informations & Booking : 

+32(0)498 30 13 31

→ Our courses are from September to June with a new session in September and January.
→ We have the recognized and effective pedagogy to make you evolve while having fun
→ Our courses are intensive and progressive. Please arrive 15 minutes before each lesson.


15 / Classes
  • 1 hour Classes
  • Collective Classes


110 / 10 Classes
  • 10 x 1 hour
  • Collectives Classes


80 / Classes
  • 1 hour Classes
  • Private Classes


350 / 5 Classes
  • 5 x 1 hour
  • Private Classes


600 / 10 Classes
  • 10 x 1 hour
  • Private Classes
Our abonnements is not refundable



+32 (0) 498 30 13 31

IBAN : BE51 0018 1085 0762